Monday, July 6, 2009

Time for a wake up call

This is a bit of a rant as well as a much needed reality check for every single person alive. I am so sick and tired of people (especially Christians) being incredibly fake and two faced. So many people have their heads up in the clouds and live in their own bubble world. Everyone you say and do has the potential to hurt or help someone.

Too many people at church are consumed with their own lives, they stay in thei cliques and groups and dont want to meet and make friends with someone new and different from them. Not what its about! Even so called friends are back stabbing and gossiping about their friends behind their backs or excluding people from gatherings and so forth. I have had enough and refuse to be apart of it. THe thing is though these people do not realise they are doing it and think that its fine and that they are great people following God.

God wants us to love eachother no matter what. Love everyone's differences and uniqueness. Be kind and step out of your comfort zone. Stop pretending and start living. I know people who need to hear this who think that they dont. Enough is enough and frankly Im sure God is tired of it too. Only time will tell. Get of your high horses humble yourself before the Lord and do his will. Make friends with someone new and different. You might find them weird and strange but they mind think you are too. Everyone is created by God and loved by God. It is time that we do the same.Do unto others what you wish to be done to you.Stop being humans of the world and be humans that belong to God Love one another with all your hearts and souls.

Michael Jackson

The world has lost another legacy that will live on forever. Michael Jackson was a true inspiration and strived for peace to exist in the world. He was the best entertainer the world has ever seen and a truly beautiful soul. I hope he is up in heaven moonwalking.My passion for dancing ignited when his music come one, I see so much of myself in him and grew up listening to his music. His death affected me more so than I thought. Its like Steve irwin dying all over again. A shock to the world. I have finally accepted who I am and am content in myself. God comes to you and answers prayer in the strangest ways. Grief has consumed me but I am celebrating his life. MJ is now at peace and his tormented soul hopefully healed. He believed in Jesus and God and strived to live like Jesus. This showed in his love for children and his giving. Hundreds of millions were given to charity.
Any dancer and musician would be sharing the same feelings around the world. I hope that we can all come together and strive for what MJ did. Loving eachother to try and make peace in the world and showing the glory of God in every way that we live. He was a musical genius, both with writing lyrics and composing music, and short films(aka music videos) choreographing and everything came together in a magnificant way. He said all this came from God, I dance for God and know what he means by that. A truly gifted and talented man who was a boy at heart.
Michael Jackson will be greatly missed but I hope we come together again in heaven.
Loved forever the king of pop.