Wednesday, July 30, 2008

God works in my life today

okay so the past month or so i have been praying for God to help turn me into the women i know he wants me to be to enable me to fulfill what he wants me to do. The past 2 weeks have been incredible i have seen God working in my life so quickly its truly amazing! Ive known what God wants me to do for a long time but knew i was never that person yet, and i finally feel that i am there! Something happened 2 weeks ago that could have really affected me but hasnt, instead as a result of it, i am the person God wants me to be! i was really sick last week but carried on and didnt let anything get in my way. Thats who God wants me to be, i dont let anything stop me from going down the path of God. I cant sleep in anymore because God doesnt let me! I get up and start working towards Gods plan. I can no longer sleep in and watch tv all day on my days off! because a couch potato never help save the world now did it!? I finished A mind to succed and that bought revelation to me so clearly. I am also reading Boundaries at the moment, both books combined i think will really set me straight and make me who i am in God. God truly is working in my life, i just hope that my family isnt go to break down now. As soon as i feel happy and nothing can stop me something always happens! but im determined not to let this affect me. although i know it will. I have to put all my faith and trust into God that my entire life changing is for the better!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

This Week

so this week has been a pretty crazy week! something happened over the weekend that had the power to completely set me off track and bring back alot of stuff... but i just full on clung to God and you know what i am actually going better than what i was before! I have been sick with swollen glands all week, while going back to uni for semester 2! like i said crazy! I refused being sick to stop me and now im feeling so much better yet still not 100 % . God is incredible this week could have been a disaster but no it has been amazing! My workload at uni for the next three months is insane! seriously around 30 pieces of assessment due in the space of 12 weeks. You do the math! I am pumped for team impact this week! so excited. I am absolutely loving the new hillsong cd/dvd it is incredible! i have been singing along in my car with a bad throat and loving God. God has given me yet another vision into my future, to do with young women so each day is full of surprises! Empire Uni dinners were great, loved meeting all this new people, all the Germans thought i was 24! pretty funny. Hopefully we shall see them this sunday! Lately i have been praying for God to make me into the women he wants and needs me to be and i have actually seen the transformation this week! seriously nothing is or will stop me on my journey with God. my willpower,courage,confidence and strength has increased greatly so that is pretty darn cool! Wish my family could see all this and know the truth! shall have to keep praying. only God knows when! well i have soooo much uni work to do already so i better go and do that. but if you havent yet bought This is our God. Go and buy it! have a good weekend everyone!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Every woman's dream

Im single and alot of my friends are either,married,engaged or in a relationship and it can be very hard when you see a loved up couple. I have been watching a couple of my favourite tv shows and of course there is always an amazing romance with the romantic love songs to match. Sometimes it is easy to feel alone but when i start to feel like this i think of the man that God has planned for me and i know he is going to be something special. He would be to put up with me! i always wonder who he is and if i have even met him yet, but that is for God to know and me to find out! I have said this before but i want to be married young and then start a family a couple years later. I just have to trust that God will give me the desires of my heart as he knows what i truly want and what is best for me. Today i did some stuff for Empire Uni and as everyone is away at Hillsong the church was practically empty. No one was in the audetorium but me. I got up on the stage and imagined sharing my testimony. God was with me and showed me i have nothing to be scared of. That he will be on one side of me and Jesus the other guiding me through every step. I know i can do it and that gives me some comfort.
Today has been a pretty good day, was at the beach and relaxed in the sun in a bikini in winter! this i find funny as although it is too cold to be in the water people still swim! I am looking forward to summer now i've had a taste of the summer you want it to come around. This week is almost over! time has gone so quickly!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

so today

Okay so today, i was reading my bible and God is seriously amazing! the passages i just happened to open upto were exactly what i was struggling with. So i then prayed for God to help and stop the thoughts feelings etc and he has done just that! God never fails to surprise. I love to feel the warmth of Jesus around me it is so incredible! I am so excited to hear everyones stories about Hillsong it should be great. I was so angry last night. I cam across some youtube videos about Mercy Ministries and they were not good. I was so angry at what they were saying and what some of the comments said. I was just like ' How dare you say that!' Mercy ministries is a program close to my heart and it makes me upset to think that the sunshine coast home is closing. But then i know that God has a plan that is bigger and better and that makes me smile. Over the weekend i met some new people and it is so amazing to discover something new about someone that you didnt know. I had the opportunity to share my testinmony, only vaguely though. Even that made me so nervous i felt sick! So imagine what im going to be like when the time comes, which i know is soon and is getting closer. when i think about it i feel so scared that i breakdown crying asking God for strenth,courage and confidence to do it. I know deep down i can do it, and each day it gets easier to. I hope that this week is wondeful for everyone and i pray that God reveals something to you this week!
love sam

Monday, July 7, 2008

Some more thoughts...

For everyone that didnt know i am 17. To many this seems young, however i have always looked,acted and felt older that i was. For example when i 11 and at Disney World there was this ride i was lining up to go on. It was for under 12's, the guy running it said i was too old. I said im 11 and he was argueing with me! He goes no your not your 16! haha i was like nooo told him my birthday and that he could ask my mum. He still didnt believe me! he did ask my mum and then let me on. Another example is when i was 12 we were at surfers and three guys in their 20's were hitting on me. Needless to say my parents were less than impressed!
My life experiences and events in my life have also caused me to grow up quick. I have always had older friends as i tend to get along better with them. I find people my own age very immature and wrapped up in their own lives. Hopefully i can meet people that prove me wrong! The famous saying of it is not how old you are but how old you are at heart. I feel that God has prepared me this way for a reason. I can see myself being married in a matter of years and starting a family soon after. I will be the first to admit i do have childish moments usually when im with Tayla. Who is practically my little sister. I have known her and her brother myles since they were born. Our mums our best friends. She is 11 and we just have so much fun together! I hope to get her to come to 57s one day! pray for her and myles to come to Empire! Life is amazing and i am enjoying every minute of it! Life is a journey and the people that are with you for your journey make it worthwhile. The past few months i have met a some amazing people who i am enjoying getting to know. I can truly say that i see a few of these as lifelong friends. Well this is just an insight into some of my thoughts for the day! I hope everyone has a great week whether at Hillsong or not and i pray that God blesses everyone i know and love in some way this week!
Stay blessed

My thoughts for the day

so i got my exam results and i did great in three subjects but my hard one i got a supplementary examination. which basically means that i have to sit another exam next week in order to pass the subject! not happy jan! I am just thankful that i didnt fail. I shall be studying hard this week so i pass. Otherwise i am screwed! Lately ive been addicted to youtube and it is quite amazing what people share with the world. So many comments are judgemental and i have been thinking alot about judging people. First impressions and what not. I would love to say that i do not judge people but it is human nature to form opinions on people. I have prayed that i wont make opinions on people until i know them. Most people judge when they do not know. I can proudly say that i no longer judge people that i do not know. If i do not like a person i wont be close friends with them. It is as simple as that to not be mean to people. I think that this is an issue that needs to be addressed. People are so cliquey that they forget to meet new people. During the past few weeks i have met so many new people and it is amazing to learn something about someone that you would never guess was apart of them. For example there is so much of my past that makes you i am at present. I do not tend to share my past with just anyone as it reveals who i really am. Which in a sense makes me feel vulnerable, so i keep this shield up which only a few people have got past. When i feel like i trust someone i open up more and more. As the saying goes you have to be careful who you reveal parts of your soul to. I still can not believe that it is July people! it honestly feels like yesterday it was March, where does the time go? It will be my birthday in three months and then my first year of uni is over! how scary is that! Life just flies by which really does prove that you need to live life to the fullest. The end of the year is my favourite time of year as it is my birthday, uni is finishing so that means holidays. Christmas time! and it brings in the new year a fresh start. I am looking forward to 2009 as 2007 and 2008 has been tough but i am excited for the last few months of 2008. This week everyone is at Hillsong :( i do hope i can afford it for next year. It will indeed be strange to have a friday night! so hopefully i can plan something great!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

First Blog

okay so here i am on a cold rainy saturday night, curled up in a nice warm bed with a hot cup of tea at 10.30pm on a saturday night. I am purely writing this blog for myself, however i feel that i am able to give others an insight into my world by doing this and perhaps impact on lives in someway. So here i go. What was ment to be a family dinner tonight turned out to be a major family argument instead. Screaming,shouting, name calling ,threats,and even swearing by various family members took place. On the surface an onlooker would think my family was a loving closeknit unit. Far from the truth. Even my parents pretend that the lack of respect and selfishness in my family is just that. You see my family has only been like this since i was thirteen when i bought something to their attention. Which you will find out at a later date. Tonight i am so grateful for God's grace and i remember that over the past few weeks, God has answered my prayers so obviously and quickly that you wouldnt believe it. I feel God has put some new faces in my life for a reason and i am loving making new friends! There is nothing that beats the feeling of making a whole new friend out of a complete stranger a few months ago! I feel sad at how one of my recently ew friends is going back to canada tomorrow but i know she is going to be a great influence over there as she is a beautiful women of God with an incredible calling on her life. Last night at Empire was so funny, we had fab funky friday with dancing and singing. I feel such a strong calling to Empire Uni and i know that this is where i am supposed to be right now. God has called me to share my testimony and i am preparing that right now so that i will have the right words to honour the glory of God and proclaim everything that he has done for me. I am constantly praying for God to give me the strength and courage to do this as if anyone knows me they know that speaking i front of people declaring my heart and soul is not one easy task! I am so exited for tomorrow as it is sunday which means i get to be at church both morning and night. To see everyone of to Hillsong Conference which will be amazing! I believe that life has many gifts to offer and that God knows which ones to let you open. Just trust God and believe that he knows best. The saying that mum knows best is not true. it Should be God knows best. I want to be a young bride and mother, have a family and fulfill God's calling together, however i knbw that this is most likely not what God has planned for me. Although i do hope so! I am so grateful that God has perfect timing in life, if ever you need a hug and there is no one to hug you ask Jesus to give you a hug and he will! I think that is enough from me for tonight! i hope that everyone has the best july as i plan to do! even though i have to resit an exam! not a happy bunny! love you all, love Sam xox