Saturday, April 18, 2009

something to embrace

The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart - this you will build your life by, and this you will become.

James Allen.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Concept of boiling water

When the water starts boiling it is foolish to turn off the heat. Nelson Mandela
This is one quote from Nelson Mandela that sticks in my mind. My passion is Africa, South Africa and Uganda in particular. I first read his autobiography within three days. I couldnt put it down. To know what this man went through for the freedom of his country in truly inspiring. three years on from reading it, i can still hear his voice reading me his life. This quote rings true to so many things but being on fire for God seems to be the main message Gods wants us all to hear. When someone starts to become on fire for God they are boiling they can either stop boiling and become stale. Stop going forward and either stay put or start to go backwards. This is seen too often for my liking and is it any wonder why. It is not always the persons fault, if they do not have enough guidance, leadership,oppurtunity or support among fellow christians,becoming stagnant is very possible. However when oppurtunity to further there walk with God comes about, many things are possible. They will either back down or boil over. We must continue and always be boiling and ensure everyone around us is. Boiling water has different stages but as long as we are in that process anything is possible. God wants us to be on fire and boil over. Where about are you when it comes to boiling water?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Back in action

okay everyone im back blogging and have come with fire. I took some time these past few months to focus on uni work and to figure out where im heading and to sort some things out. I still dont know some things but i finally feel able to breathe. I am more focused and am on fire. Being on holidays is a well needed break to gain some perspective. I know what God wants me to do in my life in the future and this is like most. You know your supposed to be a teacher, nurse, preacher and counsellor etc so you start studying and preparing for role. Yet that is years away so what do you do with your time now? that is what has been tugging away at me. How can God use me right now? is a question that you should always ask yourself when you wake up in the morning. I still dont know all the answers to that question the only thing to do is to keep praying for God to direct you to the specifics. Once you get a general idea such as young teen girls, then the question is what and how? Everyone has a purpose for the future and whilst God is preparing you for the future what can God prepare you to do now? Now is always the time.
If we keep saying oh i know what God's purpose for me is but i cant do anything about it for a few years yet. What is that saying, what can you do now that will make your future even better and brighter. The more you can do now will only aid you in the future. How much better will you be. God has a bigger plan for everyone in the world that creates his plan for the earth. Within those big plans are tiny plans and small things that help create the big ones. So the question i ask again is what can YOU do NOW?