Sunday, January 18, 2009

last night of I61

the last night of i61 was totally awesome! the night didnt end until 12.30am. almost three solid hours of prayer. everyone was on fire, was incredible.
I had a vision of me preaching to thousands, very scary yet comforting in the same way. I had been praying for God to set me on fire, to fill me. well that he did. As i started to pray for others i could literally feel my hands burning and the power the filled me, the fire seemed to transfer to whoever i was praying for words would come out of my mouth that I never thought of, God was speaking to them through me. God was using me as a vessel, he was controlling me and it was a very strange feeling. God was everywhere, I dont think anyone left the building who had not been impacted in some way. I am more than ever excited for this year after an incredible start to it! i am certain that 09 brings amazing things for everyone.

Some words that came to me whilst I was overcome was this :
We must fight like never before, we must stand firm in our faith and take a stand. We must be on fire witht he holy spirit. Never back down we are running out of time. We must ignite a fire that has been dorment and become an inferno so that all nations will be blazing for God Proclaim and show the glory of God. Matt 3:11 we are baptized in the holy spirt and fire. We must be a blazing furnace, a catalyst for greater things. God wants us on fire for him and with doing so he will set us on fire with the holy spirit.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I61 conference!

So last night was totally awesome! Kevin Caldwell is amazing! You could feel Gods presence and the power that was in the building. The spirit was definitely upon us! sunday night was great also. God has revealed so many things to me already and the week ahs only just begun! Very excited to see what the rest of the week holds. I am always amazed and surprised at how God works, prayers are answered before we have already prayed them. Realise your passions and the call on your life and run for it, run like you never have before. Now is the time, each new day is the now part. Young people are being prepared and are rising up. Something is stirring in the hearts of young people and it is amazing to see!
a few of my favourite parts of last nights message:
Even if you have no one and are all alone. Remember that you never are and that you always have God.
No matter what is going on around you, look up to God and everything else wont seem as big. Call on God.
All bad and terrible things can manifest into something great.
If God is for me who can be against me.
God chose YOU in spite of who you were and what you have done.
You always need more Jesus.
Remember you are God's Child and that he chose you to bring others into the light of his kingdom.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

who are you?

I feel like i have to say this maybe someone needs to hear it. Who are you? everyone is different and unique. God created us a certain way to fulfill our purpose on earth. When you compare yourself to someone either a celebrity or a friend and try to be like them you lose who you are and why you are on earth. Trying to be like someone your not is not the answer. You are most comfortbale when being yourself. Everyone one is attracted to different things which is the beauty of being different. Sure you may not always fit in or get on with people. Honeslty who care? you shouldnt if you are being true to yourself. I have learnt that this year. Do not care what other people think, it will only bring you down and make you doubt yourself. In God you are strong and who you are and supposed to be. Do not stress about what other people think and if people with judge you. It is a waste of energy and time. Live your life how God will want you to and that is it. Dont change yourself for anyone or anything. God loves you jsut the way you are and trying to change with not do anything.
Love you all

Life is too short

The averege human life is 80yrs. This is if your lucky and healthy enough to live this long. I'm aiming to see 100, dont think i will though. Would love at least 90. Howver i do not see myself being that old. The process of death scares me so much. However I am not afraid to be with Jesus. what i am afraid of is what if i die and I have not fulfilled what i was supposed to do on earth. What happens if you let someone go you were not ment to. Life is too precious to waste. I am 20 next year. It feels like yeaterday i was 11. In no time at all we age and life can zoom past and we stay the same. We must move with time and react with the changes. Each day is important in saving lives. I know I can not fulfill what God wants me to do for at least another few years so i have to figure out what I am supposed to do until then. This is upto God whatever he wants me to do I will. Time is precious. What are you doing with your time? God loves everyone even if you dont. People are in our lives for a reason and it is up to us to find this reason out. Even if we cant just being there is helping. everyone asks what are they supposed to be doing? what does God want me to do with my life? the simple answer is PRAY the only way to know what God wants you to do is to pray and ask him. I can not stress that enough. Prayer is the only way to find out what you are called to do. Once you know there is no turning back. a fire ignites and throw yourselves at it. 2009 is here what are you going to do? use your time wisely!

New Year

The start of a new year is always welcomed. A fresh start and new beginning. I am excited for what 2009 will bring. I have set some new years resolutions that i plan to stick too. This year God is going to move like never before in my life. I can feel something stirring and it is so exciting and invigorating. Here are some things i am doing in 09:

1. Writing a book 2. Learning Guitar and getting better at keyboard 3. Studying hard at uni 4.Launching myself into the hands of God and craving him like never before. 5. fine tune my art skills 6. get into shape, become more fit than i already am. 7 enjoy life like never before and savour each day for what it is. 8. accept things for what they are 9. dont stress over things i cant control 10. Pray and Pray and pray and seek God with all my heart in everything that i do this year.

Although im excited for 09 im more excited for the years that follow. I have grown so much in 08 and gone through a lot these past 2yrs that i am glad for a fresh year. Hopefully I dont have to deal with too much this year! My main goal this year is to do well at uni and have fun living life.

Its Jan 3rd 09. Where has time gone? life flies by quicker and quicker the older you get.

Whats your goal this year? what does God want you to do this year?

Hope everyone has a fab start to 2009!